Empathetically Presenting and Negotiating

Is the customer satisfied with your negotiation or your presentation?

Are you satisfied with the final solutions of the meeting or dialogue?

Do your co-workers agree with the next necessary measure of your change project?

If a person really wants something, he will find a way. But sometimes there are other people affected or participating on this road, who can either agree or disagree with these change processes or results.

Now we come into the process.

With systemic coaching, we will work out together your tailormade solutions that will help you during your negotiations and implementation of new ideas and measures, so that they will be implemented in a consensus-oriented way.
Human Beings always make decisions with the triad of heart, body, and mind. This intrapersonal approach is vital for your success with negotiations.
With systemic business coaching, your highly personal and psychological ability to convince will be improved. On top of that, you will be enabled to individually get involved with the demands of your negotiation partners. Your personal senses will be sharpened. That way, you can recognize the scopes of interest of other change projects participants faster. You deepen and increase your repertoire of communication techniques, because only when you are able to be involved with any level of interest of participating and affected employees, you will gain TRUST and flexibility during negotiations and presentations. Trust is the fundament of sustained leadership.

Neue Seminarangebote

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Feel the Difference Emotionales Führen – Neuroleadership Get more information
Feel the Power Die eigenen Resilienz Kräfte aktivieren. Get more information
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